Space-time, your way!

A levels/International Baccalaureate Physics workshops

Relativity & Space-time

IB Physics students at the British International School Phuket were the first to experience this 60 minute session which started with the infamous apple falling on Newton’s head (and the resultant Newton’s equations of motion and universal gravitation) to current thinking on space-time and gravity.

Uh, what happens if the sun vaporises suddenly, without warning, in a flash? What lies beyond our visible universe? Is space-time in loops? Is space-time a basket with the weave of string theory, in which reality sits in?

With theoretical physics, the only wrong question is the unasked one!




It was a fun, lively session that finished with modelling space-time with foam, coloured paper, wood, cardboard, and of course, imaginations !




Stay tuned to see their creations!









Photographs courtesy of British International School, Phuket

At Portsmouth High School, Hampshire, UK

A level Physics students explaining space-time visually after the workshop.

and the International School of Monaco

IB Physics students modelling the famous Space-time model with newspapers and a ball

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